Advanced technology at our user’s disposal

Our vision of innovation
No one decides to make a revolution happen : at one moment, all the variables come together to spark it.
Our approach is based on this fact. By gathering together as many players as possible from different backgrounds and cultures to encourage dialogue and skill-sharing, requirements and technology, we hope to give birth to new ideas and develop solutions.
An extended eco-system
Coexya functions as an incubator, thanks to the constant innovation that results from it but also because of its networking opportunities.
In fact, we regularly work on innovative projects (particularly in the field of artificial intelligence) and call on a network of partners (academics, start-ups, freelancers…) for specialised subjects that require precise expertise. We try to identify the right people with the right skills at the right time while marketing ourselves as specialists in these fields.

Collective intelligence
How can we make the best use of our teams’ abilities, thinking and diversity of skills to co-construct and innovate with our clients?
Collective intelligence is in Coexya’s DNA and its participatory management encourages dialogue, accountability, knowledge sharing and the development of internal (between specialized Business Units) and external collaborations (extended eco-system).
Coexya places great emphasis on soft skills that improve cooperation and, ultimately, performance. This is reflected in our investment in training and R&D, which represent 5.5% of turnover in our Services sector and 15% in Product.
Organisation based on Business Units
Coexya is organised into specialised, autonomous and aligned skill centres, each being run by their own management. Each specialised service centre is in charge of generating its own profit, production and results. This allows the management to remain decentralised and for the greater involvement and responsibility of our employees.

A Responsive Work Environment
The majority of Coexya’s employees or subcontractors are highly qualified specialists. Coexya equips its employees with a wide range of tools to help them carry out their day-to-day work and provide an accessible knowledge bank they can use to their advantage. Employees must have access to relevant information and, where necessary, be able to contact the right specialists.
Jean-Louis, Technical Director of Coexya, talks about innovation at Coexya.
Innovation at Coexya
Hello, my name is Jean-Louis Villa, and I am the Technical Director of Coexya, which I joined in 2004. I bring my academic background to serve the company.
How is Coexya organised?
Coexya is a specialised ESN (digital services company) organised around centres of expertise. We have six established centres of expertise. These centres are themselves based on a concept we have developed over several years, which we call the extended enterprise.
The extended enterprise is our ability to interact with various public and private actors. In the public sector, this includes research laboratories, universities, and schools. In the private sector, it involves start-ups, networks of specialised experts in certain fields, doctors, biostatisticians, linguists, and criminal analysts. This entire organisation is dedicated to the projects we develop, enabling us to remain consistently ahead as a specialised ESN.
What about Research & Development?
Research and development within an ESN is no easy feat, as our clients pay us to design and deliver projects. Conducting research and development in our context involves extending the concept of the extended enterprise.
We work with academic actors and laboratories, implement end-of-study projects with certain schools, and undertake research projects with universities. This allows us to maintain that slight edge as a specialised ESN.
What is innovation at Coexya?
Innovation is not something you simply declare. It’s like a revolution; you don’t decide to have a revolution. Instead, there’s a combination of events and factors that suddenly come together and spark something. Innovation works the same way.
You need several ingredients for it to take shape: research, development, technologies that enable you to push boundaries, and practical applications—using the things we implement. Then, all of a sudden, it becomes an innovation. But you always notice it afterward, never beforehand.
This approach, supported by our concept of the extended enterprise, enables us to pool competencies and ideas to drive innovation.
Do you have an anecdote to share?
I have an anecdote that is quite revealing of our mindset and how we develop all our specialities. It happened, quite simply, in an elevator.
Two criminal analysts we met during the ride explained their profession to us in just a few seconds. By the time we reached the ground floor, I looked at my colleague, and we both said, “We need to develop something in this field; we have all the technical skills.”
Since 2013, we’ve developed significant expertise in intelligence and are now recognised as a leading company in this field. And yet, the idea came from nothing more than an elevator conversation.