E-health: supporting the digitalisation of the medical and hospital sector

Discover our complete solution to support the different actors of the sector

Coexya 01

Care coordination and telemedicine solutions, digital platforms and data exploitation


Deploy a telemedicine solution to facilitate communication and coordination between professionals, digitise the patient’s journey and secure exchanges.

In order to improve patient care, we facilitate the coordination of health actors by :

  • Allowing them to communicate in a simple, fast and secure way. To do this, we offer intuitive, ergonomic health messaging systems. We integrate repositories that make it easy to identify healthcare professionals and patients.
  • Offering coordination solutions, such as Odycare, to structure exchanges around a patient file, thanks to the functionalities of circle of care, alerts, forms, shared documents…

Healthcare professionals also want to offer new services to their patients, who are more involved in their care: patient portal, teleconsultation, therapeutic education, referrals to specialised structures, etc.

We offer you :

  • Turnkey solutions to meet these e-health needs.
  • An software suite Odycare  dedicated to care coordination and telemedicine.
  • Patient Place platform for collecting patient quality of life data.


The advantages of our solutions :

  • Simple and intuitive
  • Compliance with national standards and the recommendations of the Agence du Numérique en Santé
  • Patient data stored in France by a Health Data Host (HDS)

We develop application solutions dedicated to healthcare issues

Odymine , 360° vision of the patient and personalised medicine

Odymine is revolutionising the management of real-life data (RWD) in oncology. It centralises data, creates cohorts and evaluates treatments, meeting the needs of medical centres and the pharmaceutical industry.

Features :

  • Data collection and consolidation in a local warehouse
  • Data extraction via NLP (Natural Language Processing)
  • Identification of patients in cohorts
  • Data analysis including medical imaging and radiotherapy
  • Controlled sharing of multi-centre information

Use Case :

  • Internal analysis of clinical results
  • Post-market clinical evaluations
  • Collaboration through data sharing

Consore, the search engine dedicated to oncology

Coexya and Unicancer are co-developing a platform that automatically aggregates and structures patient data, enabling the creation of cohorts sharing common characteristics.

The platform enables medical data – structured data and textual content – to be enhanced and accessed easily from a single interface.

Structured data, which is generally fragmented, is enriched by analysing and processing unstructured data, such as medical reports, which contain the majority of patient information.


  • Requirements gathering,
  • Architecture and design,
  • Integration of the solution (recovery of data – configuration of connectors, coupling of data, taking into account differences in information systems between CLCCs),
  • Setting up standardised repositories,
  • Data processing (standardisation, language analysis, semantic enrichment),
  • Data indexing at the level of each centre,
  • Implementation of a local search portal,
  • Extending research to other centres.

Onco Place, optimising clinical trials by efficiently sharing and analysing data

Onco Place is an all-in-one platform designed for sharing and analysing imaging and radiotherapy data in clinical trials. It connects to ePRO Patient Place for the collection of quality of life questionnaires and to the study’s eCRF.

Features :

  • Customised workflow between investigators, sponsors and experts
  • Collection and pseudonymisation of DICOM/DICOM RT data
  • Centralised review of imaging and radiotherapy plans
  • Connection to eCRFs for access to all data

Use case :

  • Centralisation and sharing of medical imaging data
  • Radiotherapy quality control and centralised imaging review
  • Automated analysis of collected data
  • Management of PROMs (Patient Reported Outcome Measures)

Patient Place, putting patients at the heart of treatment

Patient Place enhances understanding of patients’ needs and feelings by integrating their feedback into the care process. This solution makes it possible to personalise treatments even further, based on real data.

Use case:

  • Collection of patient quality of life questionnaires
  • Integration of patient feedback to refine care
  • Continuous improvement of patient pathways

Artiscan, ensuring the quality and monitoring of medical imaging equipment

Artiscan is designed for standardised, automated analysis of data from different medical equipment manufacturers. This solution guarantees extensive compatibility and standardisation of the quality controls carried out.


  • Centralisation of quality control data
  • Inspection planning and user management
  • Automated analysis of test object images using DICOM and DICOM RT information
  • Traceability, reporting and archiving of tests and results

Use Case:

  • Centralisation and automation of quality controls for all equipment
  • Compliance with standards and regulations (ANSM)
  • Optimisation of equipment use